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Thermal Performance of Concrete Buildings Course

About This Course

This topic will explore the thermal performance of concrete and how we can leverage concrete’s inherent properties to help reduce carbon emissions related to temperature regulation. Here, you will learn to describe the role of efficient thermal design in decarbonization, apply the principles of thermal mass and passive design to improve a building’s thermal performance, contrast various types of insulation, and evaluate their suitability for a given project.

You can expect to spend about 1.5 hours on this topic. Should you fail to obtain a passing grade (80%), you may contact us to arrange to retake the evaluation.

Course Staff

Edouard Gengembre

Dr. Edouard Gengembre
Holcim Innovation Center

Edouard is an engineer specialised in Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Design.  He holds a PhD in Building Physics from IMT Mines Albi. He has dedicated his time to product development for energy efficient and low carbon buildings since he joined Holcim in 2012. 

Inès Aeply

Inès Aeply
Holcim Innovation Center

Inès is a R&D engineer in building physics and energy efficiency building as well as insulation. She has an engineering diploma from EPF Engineering School. Determined to reduce the CO2 footprint of buildings she also works on sustainable development and life cycle assessment topics.

Florent Dalas

Florent Dalas
Holcim Innovation Centre

Passionate about the renovation wave and all solutions to fight against the climate crisis, Florent Dalas is a research engineer with a PhD in chemistry physics of materials. He has been working on thermal insulation in Holcim Group for about 10 years with the development of a cement-based foam product called Airium. He has expertise in constructive insulation systems for facades.
